How to Change your Mac / Hardware Address in Kali Linux / Backtrack

19:54 ---

Macchanger is a tool already available in Kali
Linux or Backtrack.  It lets you change the
hardware address pertaining to a particular
interface on your machine. For instance, as
'eth0' or 'wlan0' are the interfaces for wired
and wireless connection respectively, here's
how you would use it:
Here, the option 'r' is used to tell macchanger
to use a 'random' MAC address. The option 'A'
is used to set the random vendor MAC of any
kind, while 'a' is used to set the random
vendor MAC of the same kind.
You can also specify the MAC address that
you want to use by using the option 'm' as
shown in the figure.
In case you want your machine to acquire a
random MAC address every time you restart
the machine, you can do so by storing the
following command in the


pre-up ifconfig eth0 hw ether

Here, the MAC address

will be allocated to your machine each time
you restart it.

Update: If you get an error while you are trying
to spoof your MAC address using macchanger,

it is probably because you are trying to
change the hardware address of that interface

while it is 'up'. This is similar to trying to
change a car's tire while it is in motion--
maybe not the best example, but you get the
idea. You need to put the interface 'down'
first. Then change the hardware address using
macchanger, and then bring it 'up' again.


ifconfig wlan0 down
macchanger -r wlan0
ifconfig wlan0 up

thanx for reading!!!
