Hacking With Armitage on Kali Linux / Backtrack

20:03 ---

If you are beginning to learn, Armitage is not
something you would want to start with. It is
alright to quickly automate some

Metasploit tasks using Armitage,

but if you're
trying to learn something, Armitage adds a
level of abstraction and makes you a perfect
script kiddie.

Learning stuff on 'msfconsole' or 'msfcli'
before moving on to Armitage, is a better
approach in my opinion.

The tool is mostly self-explanatory due to its

Here, I am simulating an attack on a Windows
XP system using Armitage on Kali Linux.
Bring up Armitage by typing:

•  service postgresql start

•  armitage

First, I need to 'discover' this host.

Hosts -> nmap scan

OR, I could manually 'add host' by providing
its IP.

Now I can see this windows XP host in
Armitage workspace. From here, I could
manually search for vulnerabilities on the
Windows XP and then try to exploit them, but
I chose the easy way on Armitage, which is
'Hail Mary'.

Attacks -> Hail Mary

It tried some common exploits relating to
available services on victim machine and gave
me the 'red' around that host, which means
the host is compromised.

I grab the password hashes that I can try to
crack later on.

I gain access to cmd.exe 'command prompt' in

I set up a persistant Meterpreter backdoor on
the hacked windows XP for later access.

I can view the processes running on hacked

I tried connecting with VNC viewer to the
remote machine.

If you're a part of a Pen Test team, then one of
you can host an Armitage server and other can
'connect' to it, so that you can collaborate on
the project.

At the connect window, you need to enter the
host name of the fellow Pen Tester hosting the
Armitage server, the port number, and the
username and password that he/she has
provided you.

At the next window, confirm the fingerprint.

Pick a 'Handle' for the session.
And then you can join in with your Pen Test
Team and work in collaboration on the project

There's a bunch of other stuff you could do
with Armitage, please feel free to explore
